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Real-time atmospheric monitoring for the Cherenkov Telescope Array using a wide-field optical telescope

机译:Cherenkov望远镜阵列的实时大气监测   宽视场光学望远镜



The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation of ground-basedvery high energy gamma-ray instruments and is planned to be built on two sites(one in each hemisphere) in the coming years, with full array operationforeseen to begin 2020. The goal of performing high precision gamma-ray energymeasurements while maximizing the use of observation time demands detailed andfast information about atmospheric conditions. Besides LIDARs designed tomonitor clouds and aerosol content of the atmosphere in the pointing directionof the CTA telescopes, we propose to use the "FRAM" (F(/Ph)otometric RoboticAtmospheric Monitor) device, which is a small robotic astronomical telescopewith a large field of view and a sensitive CCD camera that together ensureprecise atmospheric characterization over the complete field-of-view of theCTA. FRAM will use stellar photometry to measure atmospheric extinction acrossthe field of view of the CTA without interfering with the observation (unlikelaser-based methods). This allows FRAM to operate with high temporal resolutionand provide both real-time data for on-the-fly scheduling decisions and anoffline database for calibration and selection of scientific data. The fastrobotic mount of the telescope supports quick observation of multiple fieldswhen the array is split and even a check of the conditions in the directions ofthe upcoming observations is possible. The FRAM concept is built uponexperience gained with a similar device operated at the Pierre AugerObservatory. A working prototype of FRAM proposed for CTA is being built inPrague for extensive testing before deployment on site; first results andexperiences with this prototype are presented.
机译:切伦科夫望远镜阵列(CTA)是下一代基于地面的超高能伽马射线仪器,并计划在未来几年内在两个地点(每个半球一个)建造,预计在2020年开始全面探测。在最大程度地利用观测时间的同时执行高精度伽玛射线能量测量的目标需要有关大气状况的详细而快速的信息。除了设计用于监视CTA望远镜指向方向上的云和大气中气溶胶含量的激光雷达外,我们还建议使用“ FRAM”(F(/ Ph)测距机器人大气监测仪)设备,这是一种小型的机器人天文望远镜,具有很大的视野镜头和灵敏的CCD摄像机,共同确保了CTA整个视野范围内的精确大气特征。 FRAM将使用恒星光度法在CTA视场范围内测量大气消光,而不会干扰观测(基于激光的方法)。这使FRAM可以在高时间分辨率下运行,并提供实时数据以进行实时调度决策,并提供离线数据库以进行科学数据的校准和选择。望远镜的快速机器人安装座支持在阵列分裂时快速观察多个视野,甚至可以检查即将发生的观测方向上的状况。 FRAM概念是建立在Pierre Auger天文台使用类似设备的经验基础上的。在布拉格,正在为CTA提议的FRAM的工作原型正在建造中,以便在现场部署之前进行广泛的测试;介绍了该原型的初步结果和经验。



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